This example shows you how to create
multiple non-blocking delays with only one timer, using :
- timer 1
- interrupts
- arrays of pointers to functions
- structures
It is made for a P18F452 but it could be
used with others pics with just minor adjustments.
The binary code is less than 2K, so that
you can use the unlicenced mikroC
compiler to build the HEX file.
This example can be discussed in the
* this source code shows how to use pic timers, interrupts, and arrays of pointers to functions
* and how to make non-blocking multiples delays, using a single timer
* Bruno Gavand, march 2006
* P18F452 @8Mhz, HS clock, EASYPIC2 / EASYPIC3
* pull-down on PORTB
* pull-up on keyboard
* enable PORTB, PORTC and PORTD LEDs
* pressing RB0 key will toggle PORTC after a 2s non-blocking delay
* pressing RB1 key will toggle PORTD after a 3s non-blocking delay
* used ROM : 1676 bytes
* number of delayed keys, up to 255
#define NBKEYS 2
* struct for one key
typedef struct
unsigned char flag ; // active = 1, 0 otherwise
unsigned char ctr ; // counter of timer1 overflows
void (*stop)() ; // pointer to a function to call after delay
KEY_STRUCT keys[NBKEYS] ; // struct array
* functions that do something visible for the example
void toggleC()
PORTC = ~PORTC ; // invert PORTC (toggle LEDs)
void toggleD()
PORTD = ~PORTD ; // invert PORTD (toggle LEDs)
* start to count down d milliseconds for key i
void keyStart(unsigned char i, unsigned long d)
k = &keys[i] ; // struct pointer
if(k->flag == 0) // if free ?
d <<= 18 ; // multiply by 4 * 2 ^ 16
d /= 1000 ; // divide by 1000 because
d /= (long)Clock_Khz() ; // clock frequency is known in Khz
k->ctr = d ; // assign counter
k->flag = 1 ; // set flag to start countdown in interrupt
* interrupt vector
void interrupt()
if(PIR1.TMR1IF) // timer1 overflow, Fosc/(4 * 2^16) times per second
unsigned char i ;
for(i = 0 ; i < NBKEYS ; i++) // for each keys
k = &keys[i] ; // get pointer to the key struct
if(k->flag) // if key countdown activated
if(k->ctr) // if countdown in progress
k->ctr-- ; // count down
k->flag = 0 ; // count down reached 0, disable
(k->stop)() ; // call user's function
PIR1.TMR1IF = 0 ; // reset timer1 interrupt flag
* program starts here
void main()
unsigned char i ;
ADCON1 |= 0x07; // PORTA as digital I/O
PORTA = PORTB = PORTC = PORTD = 0 ; // clear ports
TRISA = 0 ; // PORTA as output
TRISB = 0b00000011 ; // 2 LSB of PORTB as inputs, others as outputs
TRISC = 0 ; // PORTC as output
TRISD = 0 ; // PORTD as output
keys[0].stop = toggleC ; // assign user's function to first key
keys[1].stop = toggleD ; // assign user's function to second key
for(i = 0 ; i < NBKEYS ; i++) // for each keys
keys[i].flag = 0 ; // reset struct
keys[i].ctr = 0 ;
T1CON.T1CKPS1 = 0 ; // no prescaler
T1CON.T1CKPS0 = 0 ; // on timer1
T1CON.T1OSCEN = 0 ; // disable timer1 oscillator
T1CON.TMR1CS = 0 ; // timer1 is on Fosc
T1CON.TMR1ON = 1 ; // start timer1
INTCON.GIE = 1 ; // enable global interrupts
INTCON.PEIE = 1 ; // enable peripheral interrupts
PIE1.TMR1IE = 1 ; // enable timer1 overflow interrupts
for(;;) // forever
if(PORTB.F0) // if RB0 key pressed
keyStart(0, 2000) ; // start key #0 countdown for 2000 ms
else if(PORTB.F1) // if RB1 key pressed
keyStart(1, 3000) ; // start key #1 countdown for 3000 ms
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