Are you looking for help with your electronics studies?
Tutor Hunt is a service for both students and tutors.
Are you looking for help with your electronics studies?
Tutors 4 Me is a service for both students and tutors.
This site includes a basic soldering guide.
555 Timer Circuits has a great deal of information about the 555 timer including over 80 circuits. A great site for project ideas. and are good sites to search for component datasheets.
Ted's Electronic Engineer & Hobbyist Site includes many links to other electronics websites, the PICAXE links are especially useful.
Electronics 2000 has a beginners guide to project building, technical data, interactive formulae calculators and software downloads, including an Electronics Assistant program.
Beginners and Intermediate Electronics is a course written by Graham Knott.
Lessons in Electric Circuits is a free series of textbooks on electricity and electronics by Tony R Kuphaldt.
Control and Embedded Systems is a more advanced site by Joe Reeder covering the use of computers to control devices such as motors and lights.
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